Thursday, December 13, 2007

One More Moment

Most of the time I'm completely settled into the skin of a mom. A mourning mom. Who will never forget. But who must go on. For herself. For her little one. To survive. But sometimes. Just sometimes... I am so angry that I don't get just one more moment. I'm not asking for a day not even an hour. I just want to see my baby alive for one more minute. Okay even dead. I just want to see her. To hold her. It hurts so much. Then...I remember the must go on part. I wipe my tears. Unclench my fist. Remove the emotions...and go on.

4 comments: said...


Sending you love.

niobe said...

The must go on part....I know exactly what you mean.

Anonymous said...

I really wish I had been there with you.Just once more.....
Love You

Angel Mom said...

(((Hugs))) This grieving thing is so very hard and it never ends.