Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Quick Update

I'll get back to posting more regularly...really.

My Father-in-law died two days ago. He had been sick for quite some time. He knew it was coming and said what he wanted said. He lived in Taiwan (he was military and his second wife is from there) so we met only once. We kept in touch and were close. He was a good man. I miss him.

The flu has taken up residence here! My older kids brought it home from school (of course.) It has infected the majority of our family and several friends. Yesterday I couldn't get my temperature under 103 until evening. When "Little One" had it I thought he would quit breathing every time he coughed. My poor husband has to go to work with it. You would think that they wouldn't want it to spread. Unfortunately what's on their minds is that he has no more sick leave and they need him there.

I hope you're all staying healthy!


niobe said...

I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law.

We're sick here too, with the kind of colds that we just can't seem to shake. Hope everyone at your house is better soon.

The Goddess G said...

So sorry to hear about your FIL.

Hope that the sickness passes soon!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

So sorry about your Father in law.

Hope the flu vacates your home soon!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

So sorry about your Father in law.

Hope the flu vacates your home soon!

Angel Mom said...

I'm so sorry about your FIL. (((Hugs)))